One grandmother, Ruby Marie Holt, (born 1915) read the Farmer’s Almanac and gardened according to the heavens. She always had the most impressive gardens. My other grandmother, Frances Harwell, (born 1917) was an astrologer and the most spiritual person I have ever known. A woman many moons ahead of her time taught me about astrology, cartomancy, iridology, herbology, and many other forms of alternative medicines. She knew, from astrology, that these would be subjects of interest throughout my life. She was right. 
My grandmother gave me exactly what I would like to give others. Play the hand you are dealt with style and grace, was her message. She could see another’s abilities and/or challenges through the art and science of astrology. “For there are always greater and lesser persons than yourself”. 
Formal Education: PhD of Psychology, Master’s of Nursing Science, Post-doctorate degree Holistic Nurses Association in Healing Touch Spiritual Ministries and graduate of The University of Vedic Astrology. 
It was a dream to work with undergraduate and graduate nursing students for ten years at The University of Texas at Tyler. 
From 2012 to present, I have been an advocate for real foods, from the platform of owning and operating The Waldo Way Dairy Farm in Mineola, Texas. The farm is the center of Wholistic health, real foods, research, education, cooking classes, Guernsey cows, a Farm Inn, thousands of farm members and so much more. 
My astrology talents lie in Vedic Counsel and Medical Astrology. How incredible, if we can say, we played the hand we were dealt in this life. First, we must know our gifts and abilities in order to manifest them. Because of astrology, I was much better prepared to work with students at the university and patients in clinical settings. Now, I manage a business and navigate life through the practice of astrology. When you know what to expect you can better handle circumstances that present themselves. 
It would be my great honor to read your Vedic Astrology chart. 
Until soon,
NaRisa Y. Waldo, PhD, RN, Vedic Astrologer, 
Owner of The Waldo Way, LLC
Post Script:
Psalms 8:3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
“The more I learn of these heavens the more awe inspired I become.” 

Click HERE to secure your spot for a 60-90 minute reading with Vedic Astrologer Ris Waldo. Predictions about finances, wealth, career, vocation, relationships, children, gifts, talents, purpose, destiny, health, healing and spiritual growth. How to determine the best timing for marriage, business and so much more.