The Guernsey Gold cow is the perfect cow for our “boutique dairy”. She was chosen for our farm due to her uniquely nutritional milk, striking presence and undeniable beauty. The golden milk has invaluable health properties and to date there are testimonies, from our customers, of health being restored by way of this life-giving sacred golden milk.

Guernsey breeders have always considered the golden milk to have something “special” that other milks did not have. Well, turns out they were correct. Guernsey milk is clearly different milk than its “white” milk counterparts for many reasons and through research we are learning more each day about the value of the Guernsey Gold milk.  

It is well known the quality of Guernsey milk is remarkably higher than other cow’s milk. Guernsey milk contains 12% more protein, 30% more cream, 33% more vitamin D, 25% more A and 15% more calcium than the average white milk. The unique golden color of Guernsey milk comes from an unusually high content of orange beta-carotene.

The majority of Guernsey cows produce milk containing A2 protein (the lesser known A protein and properly known as Beta Casein A2 protein). There is growing conviction that anecdotal evidence is suggesting some illnesses that generally cannot tolerate milk or are exasperated by milk can tolerate and benefit from Guernsey milk with the A2 protein.

It’s being said that A2 milk is better for allergies such as gut (including irritable bowel symptoms), skin rashes, hay fever and cough, and some even suggest that some children with behavioral conditions may improve on A2 milk. Resent research conducted, primarily in Australia, has discovered one additional rare and beneficial uniqueness about the Gold milk; A2 Protein Beta Casein. Ninety-six percent (96%) of Guernsey milk is an A2 protein while other cows produce A1 protein milk. What does this mean? In the beginning, all cow’s milk was A2 milk but genetic mutation occurred when there was a push to breed cows for greater volumes of milk. When your goal is quantity often you sacrifice quality. According to the research there is a direct correlation between A1 milk and certain diagnoses, namely diabetes, heart disease, schizophrenia and autism.  Nearly all milk produced in American, for commercial purposes is A1 milk. Guernsey Gold A2 protein casein milk is milk that makes a difference. As always, we encourage you to research the benefits of foods that you eat and the quality they have for the best overall health results for your families.

Guernsey milk is premium milk naturally high in Beta-Carotene, Omega 3, calcium and A2 protein. Guernsey cows don’t need specially formulated feed to achieve these nutritional benefits. It’s pure and wholesome…naturally.

According to the World Guernsey Cattle Federation, Guernsey milk also contains 12% more protein, 33% more vitamin D, 25% more vitamin A and 15% more calcium than other milk on the market.


Beta-carotene is well known as an antioxidant and immunity booster with anti-aging properties. Among the numerous benefits attributed to beta-carotene are that is helps protect eye health and vision, helps prevent skin disorders and aids in the formation of bones and teeth.

More recently, research is showing that beta-carotene may help protect against heart disease and may reduce the risk of some cancers. The Cancer Fund of America Inc. has published information stating, "Diets rich in foods containing Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and a precursor of Vitamin A called beta carotene, may reduce the risk of certain cancers". This finding has been echoed in numerous similar studies.


Most people know that calcium is the key supportive element in bones and teeth, giving bones their strength and rigidity. It is less commonly known that important organs and bodily function, like your heart and metabolism, need adequate amounts of calcium to operate at their best. This mineral also helps to contract muscles, including regulating the contractions of the heart, helps blood clot and aids in the transmission of nerve impulses.

The body needs vitamin D to help it efficiently absorb calcium and take advantage of its benefits. Along with calcium, vitamin D is found naturally in Guernsey milk in higher concentrations than in average milk.


Though known as essential to normal growth and development for decades, it is only in recent years that omega-3 fatty acids have garnered much attention.

The benefits claimed for omega-3 include improved heart health (specifically that it helps stimulate blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, and reduce blood triglyceride levels and possibly reduce the risk of heart attack), improved rheumatoid arthritis, improved cognitive performance and delayed or prevention of certain neurological conditions. Several studies have also reported possible anti-cancer effects.